Come and hold me close to you. Bring in sacred a brand new view. Tell your stories, how to bee bold. Come and know the sacred told. It's a new world, paradise. It's awakening, to all that's nice. And it's dreams, we do foretell, but my heart looms over the well. Heaven hold you close to me. Open up the rainbow seas. Give my soul a place to reside, to bring a heart out from (the) hide (clan shines instead, the buffalo home). There is a place a rainbow show, giving glory heaven knows. It's my daughter, you heard of her. She is the heart of the sacred rainbow bell. Give in shores and in their demands, hold their hands and make a stand. (hear Grandmother listen to all your stories, yet through her embrace, you still know the laws of love, as she stands up for unity and demands forgiveness for everything). Give them tools to paradise, when they choose a new way to hide (united with clan, rainbow clan).
Fill me up with your view. It could be a sacred and a true. Feel the soul of what you do, bring in home towards another true. It's time for God to live in you. It's time for heaven, to find the soul that's true. Come hold my hand find yesterday, tell stories of the sacred play. But realize it's time to cry, to show the world, you have a heart. And when you go, to yesterday, believe in dreams and all this play. God is glory in your heart today. Wake up to the brand new show, let it get away. Feel your heart, feel the blue, let it shine all over you. Where there is comfort in the wind, you will find my heart again. I will come to your desire, to make amends, to all this fire. Just realize you need me too. Just like all in the rainbow view (all the grandchildren). Hold each other, make a stand, care for all your brothers, human man. It's an art, don't be late. Come and live, don't hesitate. Live your heart, let it out. Bring in souls, to better days. Come my children, hold and pray. Come and let it out this way. It's a brand new walking way. it's a sacred talk, where dreams come true, when you do have faith in you. Rainbow children, take my hand. Walk into the paradise land. Feel your heart radiate true, the sacred heart of a blue (relative true).
Hand in hand, we walk in a cart (container, to be held, like the stone river). We walk in places where all is part. Heaven knows, all is there. We are molecules that care. Every rock and every tree has a life and even breathes. Give your soul, to learn and wake, to the listening of heaven's sake. Do you hear, the sacred bear? Do you hear, the window pane? Do you hear the stars that shine? I will show you a heart sublime. Gift your love on the road, where heaven sent, always told. We are one clan, family, when we choose, to come complete. Wash your sins away this day, do you blessings and learn to pray. Give to glory in your heart, shine a rainbow, let us dart. Let us be streams of light, that bind us towards the heaven's heart. It's deep inside, where darkness lives, the soul, the book of life that gives.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother Sings, wakan iyeshka or holy intepreter, elder crystal person, and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, your Father Red Hand, wakan wiccasa or holy man, elder lavender person. Sacred Song Blessings for the heart of Grandmother Debra Comfort in the Wind, our Sunshine Glory Shines.
RAINBOW COLORS are Gray(grandmother),blue (heart),magenta (lights at the horizon shines), gray. Grandmothers are space, where dreams all live. You are the embrace of all molecular things, even those you do not want to forgive and embrace. You are Comfort in the Wind. Bless them first, to see if they come close, then embrace them, bless them again, and send them on their way. That's it. Sounds so simple, but it's not so easy, when there are so many clowns. We bless all the rainbow children, in order they will maneuver into heaven's arms again, by doing blessings in the wind. (No interpretation of rainbow colors here, but you cold use search box at for further explanation. It's always good to ask questions when you are on the hoops or email
Use the sacred fire ceremony each day and even 4-6 times a day if you can to purify the light and darkness,"God' World", the Rainbow Clan. http://www. blessingsandprayers/ creatingsacredspace/walkabout. Bless every hour and everywhere and everyone as you pass them by. Use this to cleanse the sanctuary (n,s,w,e,up,down,here,inside,outside), "I bless the sacred nine directions" to insure all space is cleansed. Heaven and Earth begins, when we teach all the children again, how to walk sacred, talk sacred, but mostly to provide safety in the wind, the fire and water ceremonies help us begin. Habits take 21 days, to ensure others can protect themselves. We need save as many as we can. And also for the children of heaven our souls need sanctuary. It's time for us, to descend, into the shadows, the valleys of God, the kingdom we call paradise!
Nothing has changed, but when you get your Heavenly name, all is confirmed, your whole life. At first it's not able to embrace, my sacred table, the perfect part of me did survive. Now how do I embrace my life? Self denial of a heavenly name tells us others have denied you (needing the embrace). This knowing offers us the ability to give what is needed by others. We need love and an embrace, especially when all seems to be going wrong. It takes much forgiveness, to have a sacred view. And once you opened your heart, you could sea straight without fear, then all could come rushing home again.
The loss of yesterday. It was a glorious age, renegades we did become to get to the top of the hill (wavelength), where light was the world, in a time, when darkness of heaven descends to the earth, we long for yesterday. To leave behind old habits, is to say goodbye to a lost friend. We salute the past, for all the Grandness, now it's time to move forward into a new world. But still it hurts, we must make it feel alright. We go through the loss and death of a rite. With every loss, we enter denial, then anger for turning away, then up towards the street, I will negotiate my fate, finally to realize the destiny. What God (you and all related in the wind) had always perceived. It's time to walk right, into a heart, with pure might, the soul, that chooses to lean, on loving the breeze, with sacred sneeze (bridge between realms, push in the right direction, like from Grandmother Comfort in the Wind) and all the entrappings of love. Relatives burst in like a storm, just like Grandchildren, who become born (the soul awakens)!
Look at what you said Grandmother Comfort in the Wind, "God had told me a long while back that I was a Robin, (at that time a very wounded one) a bright and shining one... one of His little stars and He gave me the name on my white stone at another time. Harbinger of Life."
The wind is the blue, the heavenly within you. A robin does fly above and knows why, because it's the dream that unfolds. And bright and shining are you, as your heart floods the view, like little stars, that shine in the night sky. This is the united (four directions and colors), the white light. And a stone tells you where, the crystalline river so to speak, the place we travel throughout time. To be a harbinger of life, means you catch them in the heaven's rife (who is like God? the embrace of strife, true love suffers for all/god), the bridge they need, when down in earthly leaves (leaves are relatives, on the tree of life, leaves blow in the wind and finally land somewhere, this is the journey of our lives, all the rainbow children, need a hug, telling them they are loved).
Debra meaning is the Bee, the Dream. The impossible dream that if known. Of course it would be your name. A perfect name for Grandmother, who embraces molecular space, where all dreams are fulfilled. In the heaven's stars are lit in the night sky. The twinkle lifts our hearts, this is where Grandfather (white) seeks to impart, from heaven to earth, in each breath. But Grandmother (gray), she is vast open space, all the darkness of heaven, you can conceive, here where all the rainbow colors survive, to dream another slice of the pie. A place, where heaven and earth do collide.
HEAVENLY NAME, MISSION: Comfort in the Wind
Comfort in the Wind, our Sunshine Glory Shines (radiance from the heart, morning star, the sacred eight directions, holiness, bonded, a light from within, the sun dance). Most heavenly names are complicated and earthly names more easily understood, but here, we find that it's the opposite.
Call to attention everyone, come look under the sun. Do you notice the glow out there, it's a morning sun (morning star). Look out into the sky and what do you believe, but a heart that is surely high (high on god and life). And when we are leaning on love upon this world, then we can open it up. Come and call me by name, it will be my fame. The Glory to God is my name (celebration of self, grandness, it's wonderful). And you may call me "Comfort in the Wind" (heavenly name, mission), because it's glory filled. Come and shine, on the hill, glory bee, it's sow still. My heart worships every day, leaning on love all the way. Then remember each beloved heart. I do need to help and impart, the solider in me, decides to fight, to bring the heart, filled without lies. We are here to embrace, hold up honor and cut down disgrace. Know, honor and provide. Gift your heart and realize. Heaven comes home to you, in the mighty sailing blue.
I say, God is here with you, in my heart, I feel so true. Call me "Sunshine Glory Shines" (the radiance from the heart). I will be here, all the time. Tell the stories, I will endure, to share the soils, that are bare. Grow in this world. Show my heart so still (seed germinates). I will open to you, rise up and shine a new view. Give my heart, the tree of life. A place in a home paradise. And we all shall be shining and true, when we decide to give love to you! Let's be blue and true, for all of heaven's embrace, to bring glory on each face. I will feel this will to know, how great this dream is a show. Carry me home, galaxy. Carry me home, inside of thee. Carry me home, darkness embrace, the dreams unfold, a human face!
No heavenly name or earthly name interpretation, only song sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman. Please ask to inquire further.

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
Rainbow Clan Relatives,
You will need your heavenly name and earthly name, to understand your mission in life (heavenly name) and tools of light (rainbow colors). This will guide you to fruition. God led you home, to the Rainbow Clan. Then you need to understand evolution. We are moving from phase 2 of earth and light, to phase 3 heavenly dark and earthly light, merging as one space, heaven on earth. This is the third rolling hill in time. I don't make things easy for people who don't know loving relationships, because we have to teach them how to stand up for their rights. It feels uncomfortable for someone to receive Motherly attention, one who cares enough, to make demands, just like any woman in the land. You have relationships, that are loving and kind, bringing this to the lost clan, the Rainbow Clan. Be sure to share stories and support others. Fruition comes when we join the great give-a-way and learn to receive each other. Turning lessons into treasures.
It will be your responsibility to take your position, which will resonate within your lives. You will feel the truth come flowing towards you as I give your sacred gifts. This means, you need to share, to experience true joy with the whole of those who walk lost in their unhappiness guided only by money. We are changing to the great give-a-way and learning about the destruction process (purification). To bring lessons homeward rather than push away. To embrace, to hold, to make into a treasure, this is the darkness of heaven, the heart's path, that guides us to last and last, the blue road.
The way to transform, it to trust yourself. Don't ever deny your feelings and work through them, to finally be able to help others who are going through the same things. I get too many who come, but don't share their hearts. I will need you to share your hearts with others. It's the way to move into our salvation, and to learn where true sanctuary is, when we walk and talk sacred and use the fire and water ceremonies to cleanse the world, the kingdom of God, our Oneness. We find peace within our lives once again, in a sea of those who are lost relatives.
Let us guide them home, to where all their sin, brings them tears of joy, when they forgive again. Teach them brotherhood. Make the world, feel like it should. Not two worlds, but one space, brotherhood and all it's grace. Come and take my hand, sisterhood will demand, that law of love is understood, because we are here to feel like a hood (neighborhood, clan, united). Now we should flow to the world, to make sure, they are coming home to feel their fill (receive the glory of God's treasures). Learning that love is not easy street, but worth all and it's for keeps. We are eternal lives, souls that know and survive. Let us join in our hearts, bringing home all lost parts. We are in need of prayer, to guide others home to pairs (soul and flesh), to unite in brotherhood, crossing rainbows like they should. Give us gifts both set of eyes*, vision with a heart, not a knife (physical damage rather than dividing and sharing). And when my sight is rare, to find blossoms everywhere, then I know sacred comes to me, because I am finally free!
To start purification with fire blessings, start on this page.http://www. blessingsandprayers/ creatingsacredspace/walkaboutThis relieves the wind of others who are passers by, to eliminate impurities while in the home. Create sanctuary space and demand all bless their own space. Mother will know. Father need show.
Fire blessings, relieve the light, upon earth. To bring us back to the red road, the law of love. Welcome into our hearts by joining us at Hoop 4. Listen to Sacred Song Blessings and Articles About Evolution, all learning to become relatives like we truly are within our hearts. Join us and return home again, to sanctuary where blessings, bow like the rainbow, to receive the love of long lost relatives from all over this world.
Thank you Relatives for joining us to share our hearts with you! Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Holiness David and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Welcome Home to the Kingdom of God!
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Fill me up with your view. It could be a sacred and a true. Feel the soul of what you do, bring in home towards another true. It's time for God to live in you. It's time for heaven, to find the soul that's true. Come hold my hand find yesterday, tell stories of the sacred play. But realize it's time to cry, to show the world, you have a heart. And when you go, to yesterday, believe in dreams and all this play. God is glory in your heart today. Wake up to the brand new show, let it get away. Feel your heart, feel the blue, let it shine all over you. Where there is comfort in the wind, you will find my heart again. I will come to your desire, to make amends, to all this fire. Just realize you need me too. Just like all in the rainbow view (all the grandchildren). Hold each other, make a stand, care for all your brothers, human man. It's an art, don't be late. Come and live, don't hesitate. Live your heart, let it out. Bring in souls, to better days. Come my children, hold and pray. Come and let it out this way. It's a brand new walking way. it's a sacred talk, where dreams come true, when you do have faith in you. Rainbow children, take my hand. Walk into the paradise land. Feel your heart radiate true, the sacred heart of a blue (relative true).
Hand in hand, we walk in a cart (container, to be held, like the stone river). We walk in places where all is part. Heaven knows, all is there. We are molecules that care. Every rock and every tree has a life and even breathes. Give your soul, to learn and wake, to the listening of heaven's sake. Do you hear, the sacred bear? Do you hear, the window pane? Do you hear the stars that shine? I will show you a heart sublime. Gift your love on the road, where heaven sent, always told. We are one clan, family, when we choose, to come complete. Wash your sins away this day, do you blessings and learn to pray. Give to glory in your heart, shine a rainbow, let us dart. Let us be streams of light, that bind us towards the heaven's heart. It's deep inside, where darkness lives, the soul, the book of life that gives.
White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother Sings, wakan iyeshka or holy intepreter, elder crystal person, and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, your Father Red Hand, wakan wiccasa or holy man, elder lavender person. Sacred Song Blessings for the heart of Grandmother Debra Comfort in the Wind, our Sunshine Glory Shines.
RAINBOW COLORS are Gray(grandmother),blue (heart),magenta (lights at the horizon shines), gray. Grandmothers are space, where dreams all live. You are the embrace of all molecular things, even those you do not want to forgive and embrace. You are Comfort in the Wind. Bless them first, to see if they come close, then embrace them, bless them again, and send them on their way. That's it. Sounds so simple, but it's not so easy, when there are so many clowns. We bless all the rainbow children, in order they will maneuver into heaven's arms again, by doing blessings in the wind. (No interpretation of rainbow colors here, but you cold use search box at for further explanation. It's always good to ask questions when you are on the hoops or email
Use the sacred fire ceremony each day and even 4-6 times a day if you can to purify the light and darkness,"God' World", the Rainbow Clan. http://www.
Nothing has changed, but when you get your Heavenly name, all is confirmed, your whole life. At first it's not able to embrace, my sacred table, the perfect part of me did survive. Now how do I embrace my life? Self denial of a heavenly name tells us others have denied you (needing the embrace). This knowing offers us the ability to give what is needed by others. We need love and an embrace, especially when all seems to be going wrong. It takes much forgiveness, to have a sacred view. And once you opened your heart, you could sea straight without fear, then all could come rushing home again.
The loss of yesterday. It was a glorious age, renegades we did become to get to the top of the hill (wavelength), where light was the world, in a time, when darkness of heaven descends to the earth, we long for yesterday. To leave behind old habits, is to say goodbye to a lost friend. We salute the past, for all the Grandness, now it's time to move forward into a new world. But still it hurts, we must make it feel alright. We go through the loss and death of a rite. With every loss, we enter denial, then anger for turning away, then up towards the street, I will negotiate my fate, finally to realize the destiny. What God (you and all related in the wind) had always perceived. It's time to walk right, into a heart, with pure might, the soul, that chooses to lean, on loving the breeze, with sacred sneeze (bridge between realms, push in the right direction, like from Grandmother Comfort in the Wind) and all the entrappings of love. Relatives burst in like a storm, just like Grandchildren, who become born (the soul awakens)!
Look at what you said Grandmother Comfort in the Wind, "God had told me a long while back that I was a Robin, (at that time a very wounded one) a bright and shining one... one of His little stars and He gave me the name on my white stone at another time. Harbinger of Life."
The wind is the blue, the heavenly within you. A robin does fly above and knows why, because it's the dream that unfolds. And bright and shining are you, as your heart floods the view, like little stars, that shine in the night sky. This is the united (four directions and colors), the white light. And a stone tells you where, the crystalline river so to speak, the place we travel throughout time. To be a harbinger of life, means you catch them in the heaven's rife (who is like God? the embrace of strife, true love suffers for all/god), the bridge they need, when down in earthly leaves (leaves are relatives, on the tree of life, leaves blow in the wind and finally land somewhere, this is the journey of our lives, all the rainbow children, need a hug, telling them they are loved).
Debra meaning is the Bee, the Dream. The impossible dream that if known. Of course it would be your name. A perfect name for Grandmother, who embraces molecular space, where all dreams are fulfilled. In the heaven's stars are lit in the night sky. The twinkle lifts our hearts, this is where Grandfather (white) seeks to impart, from heaven to earth, in each breath. But Grandmother (gray), she is vast open space, all the darkness of heaven, you can conceive, here where all the rainbow colors survive, to dream another slice of the pie. A place, where heaven and earth do collide.
HEAVENLY NAME, MISSION: Comfort in the Wind
Comfort in the Wind, our Sunshine Glory Shines (radiance from the heart, morning star, the sacred eight directions, holiness, bonded, a light from within, the sun dance). Most heavenly names are complicated and earthly names more easily understood, but here, we find that it's the opposite.
Call to attention everyone, come look under the sun. Do you notice the glow out there, it's a morning sun (morning star). Look out into the sky and what do you believe, but a heart that is surely high (high on god and life). And when we are leaning on love upon this world, then we can open it up. Come and call me by name, it will be my fame. The Glory to God is my name (celebration of self, grandness, it's wonderful). And you may call me "Comfort in the Wind" (heavenly name, mission), because it's glory filled. Come and shine, on the hill, glory bee, it's sow still. My heart worships every day, leaning on love all the way. Then remember each beloved heart. I do need to help and impart, the solider in me, decides to fight, to bring the heart, filled without lies. We are here to embrace, hold up honor and cut down disgrace. Know, honor and provide. Gift your heart and realize. Heaven comes home to you, in the mighty sailing blue.
I say, God is here with you, in my heart, I feel so true. Call me "Sunshine Glory Shines" (the radiance from the heart). I will be here, all the time. Tell the stories, I will endure, to share the soils, that are bare. Grow in this world. Show my heart so still (seed germinates). I will open to you, rise up and shine a new view. Give my heart, the tree of life. A place in a home paradise. And we all shall be shining and true, when we decide to give love to you! Let's be blue and true, for all of heaven's embrace, to bring glory on each face. I will feel this will to know, how great this dream is a show. Carry me home, galaxy. Carry me home, inside of thee. Carry me home, darkness embrace, the dreams unfold, a human face!
No heavenly name or earthly name interpretation, only song sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman. Please ask to inquire further.
Pray With Elders around the World
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
Rainbow Clan Relatives,
You will need your heavenly name and earthly name, to understand your mission in life (heavenly name) and tools of light (rainbow colors). This will guide you to fruition. God led you home, to the Rainbow Clan. Then you need to understand evolution. We are moving from phase 2 of earth and light, to phase 3 heavenly dark and earthly light, merging as one space, heaven on earth. This is the third rolling hill in time. I don't make things easy for people who don't know loving relationships, because we have to teach them how to stand up for their rights. It feels uncomfortable for someone to receive Motherly attention, one who cares enough, to make demands, just like any woman in the land. You have relationships, that are loving and kind, bringing this to the lost clan, the Rainbow Clan. Be sure to share stories and support others. Fruition comes when we join the great give-a-way and learn to receive each other. Turning lessons into treasures.
It will be your responsibility to take your position, which will resonate within your lives. You will feel the truth come flowing towards you as I give your sacred gifts. This means, you need to share, to experience true joy with the whole of those who walk lost in their unhappiness guided only by money. We are changing to the great give-a-way and learning about the destruction process (purification). To bring lessons homeward rather than push away. To embrace, to hold, to make into a treasure, this is the darkness of heaven, the heart's path, that guides us to last and last, the blue road.
The way to transform, it to trust yourself. Don't ever deny your feelings and work through them, to finally be able to help others who are going through the same things. I get too many who come, but don't share their hearts. I will need you to share your hearts with others. It's the way to move into our salvation, and to learn where true sanctuary is, when we walk and talk sacred and use the fire and water ceremonies to cleanse the world, the kingdom of God, our Oneness. We find peace within our lives once again, in a sea of those who are lost relatives.
Let us guide them home, to where all their sin, brings them tears of joy, when they forgive again. Teach them brotherhood. Make the world, feel like it should. Not two worlds, but one space, brotherhood and all it's grace. Come and take my hand, sisterhood will demand, that law of love is understood, because we are here to feel like a hood (neighborhood, clan, united). Now we should flow to the world, to make sure, they are coming home to feel their fill (receive the glory of God's treasures). Learning that love is not easy street, but worth all and it's for keeps. We are eternal lives, souls that know and survive. Let us join in our hearts, bringing home all lost parts. We are in need of prayer, to guide others home to pairs (soul and flesh), to unite in brotherhood, crossing rainbows like they should. Give us gifts both set of eyes*, vision with a heart, not a knife (physical damage rather than dividing and sharing). And when my sight is rare, to find blossoms everywhere, then I know sacred comes to me, because I am finally free!
* one set of eyes we vision the world of paradise -light, flesh, red road-,
one set of eyes we envision the world of paradise -dark, soul, blue road-
one set of eyes we envision the world of paradise -dark, soul, blue road-
read about roads here, http://whitebuffalocalfwoman. net
To start purification with fire blessings, start on this page.http://www.
Fire blessings, relieve the light, upon earth. To bring us back to the red road, the law of love. Welcome into our hearts by joining us at Hoop 4. Listen to Sacred Song Blessings and Articles About Evolution, all learning to become relatives like we truly are within our hearts. Join us and return home again, to sanctuary where blessings, bow like the rainbow, to receive the love of long lost relatives from all over this world.
Thank you Relatives for joining us to share our hearts with you! Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Holiness David and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Welcome Home to the Kingdom of God!
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
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